For anyone who has never heard of Alarm Yoke before (most likely you haven't, it was a pretty niche game) I've made this site to preserve its history and hopefully revive the once small but vibrant community! You can go ahead and click on any of the above links (once I set them up) to learn more about various aspects of this unique and wonderful game! And for anyone that remembered this game (like I did), I hope this site helps to serve as a fun blast to the past and even re-spark your lost interest in the game :)
Currently, I am ongoing in trying to preserve as much of the game as possible due to much of it being lost due to broken links, non-existant archiving and other things such as that. It's a good thing I managed to save so much on my old laptop :)
Also, sorry if there are some things that are broken, I'm very new to HTML and CSS, and learning things as I go along! So please be patient with me! Thank you!!
Credit to Eggramen for the CSS template I am using for this site ^_^ It is very useful for a noobie like me LOL!