Alarm Yoke (styilized as ALARM YOKE) is an English-language role-playing video game released in 2013 by the American Developer known only online as "Rebirther". It garnered a small cult following its release, before being thrust into obscurity and being forgotten. Ever since then, little is known about what happened to the original files, and who or where the creator of this game is. The game centers around a short, styilized mouse character with a black bob and a sweater, before shortly going on to wear appropriate for winter, known as Flake. Flake is described as "the little hero" by The Queen of Flowers/The Queen Bee as well, and as "kid" by many other NPCs. In the game, it is her mission to end an "eternal winter" that was cast over "Yoke Island" (the setting the game takes place in) and return the seasons into balance.
As so little has been documented of the game, much of what is known about the game has been lost. But as the site creator (me :D) has found more info on this lost gem, she will update this section with more info, in order to be as accurate as possible and not spread any false information. What can be said as of right now is that the game follows a turn-based RPG battle system akin to games in the same genre, such as Final Fantasy and the Mother series, with certain skill requiring timed button presses to be performed to deal more damage.
The player assumes control of Flake, a mouse assuming the position of the "hero" or "little hero" of the story. The goal for Flake is to stop the "Snow Queen's" "madness" as described by The Queen of Flowers during her cutscene required to continue the game. The player goes on to traverse through the different areas of Yoke Island, including Honey Hive Town, the Deep Forest that leads to Sun Dry Desert, and many others. The player encounters many enemies, including living rain clouds with lighting-bolts for legs, tornado dogs, and many other embodiments of varioius environmental/elemental hazards. Much info is still being compiled so this info is incomplete.
Very little is known about the development behind this game, other than it was created in RPG Maker VX Ace. It can be assumed the game took a year or less to create due to VX Ace being released a year before Alarm Yoke was released.